Saturday, October 15, 2005

Christmas is a coming! Holiday gift ideas from OpenGeek!

On a lark, I posted some of these gift ideas on another forum and thought I might just share them here too. (Hint Hint!) Express yourself, learn how to think better, or just poke a little fun at your elected representatives. Might want to stock up before these are legislated away!

Dick Cheney "Go Fu*k Yourself" Apparel, mugs, stickers, caps and mousepads!

Watch the Bill of Rights evaporate in real time with your morning hot beverege of choice!

Feeling a little overwhelmed with dogma? Ears ringing from the sound machine? Perk up both your mental acumen and your outlook with these insightful critical thinking mini-courses from Each mini-course is focused on a specific aspect of critical thinking. Informative, but not wordy, these pocket guides are perfect for the busy thinker on the go!

Have some ideas of your own? Please, do share them with a brief comment below, or shoot me an e-mail. Would love to post another set or two of these before the serious holiday season arrives.

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